5 ways to support your local community during the cornonavirus



You may already have people contacting your church to find out about the support available in your local neighbourhood. If you don't yet, you may find it's a good way to offer support to your community.

Check out some simple suggestions on ways you might help to signpost those looking for support here.

PRACTICAL SUPPORT. With many people now being asked to isolate at home due to pre-existing health conditions, there may also be people within your community who need help with practical tasks such as shopping, picking up prescriptions and dog walking.  T

he council are working with local organisations and volunteers to co-ordinate this support across the city. Click here for some suggestions for how you might want to encourage your church community to get involved in a practical way.


TELEPHONE BEFRIENDING. Since mid-March, the number of people who are self-isolating has increased rapidly, with those over 70 or with pre-existing health conditions strongly advised against physical contact with the outside world. For some of these people, it will mean no contact with anyone, leading to profound loneliness and deterioration in their mental health.

Could you offer telephone befriending support in your neighbourhood? Visit our website to find out about a new project called 'Two's Company' that your church could host.


ONLINE SOCIAL GATHERINGS. Many churches are now streaming online services or gatherings for church family and it’s great to see how this is enabling a wider audience to engage with church. However, with many people feeling socially isolated at this time, you might want to consider how your church might use its online platforms to creatively engage with the wider community on a social level too. Already, churches across the city have begun to host some of the following things online:

  • Quiz events

  • How-to videos e.g. crafts, cooking, DIY or other skills

  • Interactive games for kids

  • Story times

  • Exercise classes

  • Messy Church


The Noise 2020 Online Family Fun Events. Although we’re unable to gather our communities in person this year, we are inviting churches across the city to consider hosting some family fun online, to be streamed on The Noise weekend (8th-10th May 2020). Check out what we mean and how your church might get involved in this simple INFORMATION SHEET.


PRAYER. Check out the 'UNITE714' Global Prayer Movement which invites Christians across the world to pause and pray together twice a day at 7:14am and 7:14pm. For more information from 24-7 Prayer click here